Pacemaker Follow-Up: The Patient Perspective

Norma first visited the Oklahoma Heart Hospital in 2010. She had been traveling and not feeling very well, so she made an appointment with her primary care physician when she returned home. Her primary care physician diagnosed her with atrial fibrillation and referred her to an Oklahoma Heart Hospital physician immediately. She began taking medications for AFib and also had a mitral valve replacement to treat valve disease. When her AFib could not be well controlled with medication, Dr. Mark Harvey put in a pacemaker, which is now an integral part of maintaining her heart function.
Since her pacemaker placement in 2010, she has visited the Oklahoma Heart Hospital for many appointments, including pacemaker device checks. She says she barely notices her pacemaker, and that her device checkups are quick and easy.
“They provide the information on the pacemaker results, and then you’re off again, and you really don’t even know that you have it,” she said.
When asked what sets Oklahoma Heart Hospital apart, she says the culture of patient advocacy. As a patient, both in the hospital and in physician offices, she says everyone embraces the culture of patient advocacy—from the person who checks you in to the person who starts your IV.
“The Oklahoma Heart Hospital is the most amazing experience I have had,” she said. “I am a nurse. I’ve experienced working in a variety of different healthcare settings. I’m very customer-service oriented, and I train in customer service. Consequently, I would probably be more aware than most patients of what the patient can expect, and it is all received here.”
Norma is just one of many patients who receive high-quality care at the Oklahoma Heart Hospital for a variety of heart health concerns. Interested in more information? Contact the Oklahoma Heart Hospital today, and one of our patient representatives will be happy to help.