
OHH News

Posted on August 21st, 2023
Cardiac patient caregivers play an important role in recovery after a heart attack or heart surgery or when living with a chronic heart condition. Too often caregivers can feel overwhelmed or isolated in their role. Finding support networks offered through a hospital or connecting with other cardiac patient caregivers in other ways can be extremely beneficial.  If you are new to caregiving,... Read More
Posted on August 10th, 2023
When the heart beats, it makes a sound described as a “lupp-dupp” sound when a doctor listens to the heart with a stethoscope. But sometimes doctors hear an extra, abnormal sound as well, which is called a murmur. The typical “lupp-dupp” sound of a heartbeat corresponds to the closing of valves in the heart. A murmur is the sound of blood flowing through the heart, which makes a swooshing noise.... Read More
Posted on August 1st, 2023
Implantable cardiac devices are used to monitor and treat heart rhythm disorders. The most well-known implantable device is the pacemaker, but there are several other types of devices that may be used depending on the patient’s symptoms or diagnosis.   Pacemaker Pacemakers work to keep the... Read More
Posted on July 21st, 2023
If you or a loved one has recently had a heart attack, you may be wondering what happens next in terms of recovering from a heart attack.  Because heart attacks differ in their severity and impact, the recovery process looks different for every patient, and full recovery could take... Read More
Posted on July 10th, 2023
When it comes to heart health and lowering risk of cardiovascular disease, exercise is among the top recommendations, and adding even a moderate amount of regular movement helps your heart. Exercise is key in lowering risk for heart disease because it both improves the cardiovascular system directly and can impact other risk factors. Here are some of the ways that regular movement helps your... Read More
Posted on July 1st, 2023
The heart is made up of four chambers: the left and right atria and the left and right ventricle. The atria are the upper chambers where blood enters the heart. Blood that has been depleted of oxygen by the body... Read More
Posted on June 22nd, 2023
Many people go to the dentist regularly to remove plaque buildup from their teeth. But did you know that dental plaque is not the only kind of plaque in your body? There is also a type of plaque in your blood called arterial plaque. This plaque is a waxy substance produced by the body that is made up of cholesterol, cellular waste, calcium, and a protein called fibrin. Plaque builds up over time... Read More
Posted on June 10th, 2023
Oklahoma has the third highest rate of non-traumatic lower-limb amputations in the country, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This includes the loss of toes, feet, and legs. The state of Oklahoma also has one of the highest rates of peripheral artery disease (PAD), a circulatory system disease in which blood flow to the limbs is reduced by narrowing... Read More
Posted on June 1st, 2023
Every heartbeat is controlled by the heart’s electrical system. The sinus node in the heart’s electrical system sends a signal that causes the muscle to contract starting with the atria and moving to the ventricles. Sometimes, the electrical system creates an irregular pattern called an... Read More
Posted on May 22nd, 2023
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a condition that affects 47% of Americans according to the CDC. High blood pressure can affect many aspects of health and put people at risk for heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and other health problems.  Unfortunately, as many as 20% of those with high blood pressure are unaware of their condition. High blood pressure is known as a silent killer... Read More
