
OHH News

Posted on August 15th, 2016
Norma first visited the Oklahoma Heart Hospital in 2010. She had been traveling and not feeling very well, so she made an appointment with her primary care physician when she returned home. Her primary care physician diagnosed her with atrial fibrillation and referred her to an Oklahoma... Read More
Posted on August 2nd, 2016
OKLAHOMA CITY (Aug. 2, 2016) – The Oklahoma Heart Hospital (OHH) received the highest rating for quality patient care from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) last week.   OHH was among 102 U.S. hospitals (2.2 percent of hospitals) that received a five-star overall rating from CMS. This top rating is based on 64 quality measures in seven categories: timeliness of care... Read More
Posted on August 1st, 2016
Regular follow-up appointments are important for patients with pacemakers and defibrillators. When a patient arrives at Oklahoma Heart Hospital or one if its satellite ... Read More
Posted on July 15th, 2016
Surgical ablation is used to treat atrial fibrillation in patients for whom other treatment options, such as medications and catheter ablation, have not been successful. The Oklahoma Heart Hospital uses two types of surgical ablation: convergent (or hybrid) ablation and... Read More
Posted on July 6th, 2016
Surgical ablation is a procedure used to treat atrial fibrillation, the most common type of irregular heartbeat. Atrial fibrillation, also known as AFib, is generally not a life-threatening condition on its own, but it puts patients at greater risk for stroke. Symptoms may include shortness of breath, fatigue, light... Read More
Posted on June 15th, 2016
For patients with slow or abnormal heart rhythms, a pacemaker can be a life-changing device that helps them return to normal daily activity and normal energy levels. The procedure to place a pacemaker is relatively simple and begins with the doctor making a small incision about an inch long in the chest. The wires (... Read More
Posted on June 9th, 2016
June 9, 2016 (Oklahoma City, OK) – Oklahoma Heart Hospital's Wound Center is using this week to help raise awareness of chronic wounds.  The third annual Wound Care Awareness Week is being held from June 6 to June 10. It's an opportunity to spend an entire week educating physicians, patients and the general public about the chronic wound epidemic and the advanced wound care... Read More
Posted on June 1st, 2016
As you go through a normal day of walking around, taking the stairs, or lifting something heavy, your body makes adjustments to better accomplish each task. For example, your heart rate increases in order to pump more blood to your body as you begin an activity. But if you have a slow or abnormal heart rhythm, the heart doesn’t adequately respond to the situation, which can leave you... Read More
Posted on May 15th, 2016
Ejection fraction is a measurement of the heart’s overall efficiency as it pumps blood to the body. A low ejection fraction can be a sign of cardiac disease or damage to the heart, including damage from consistent high blood pressure that affects the pumping function of the heart or genetic conditions that... Read More
Posted on May 1st, 2016
When treating health concerns that may impact the heart, it’s important for doctors to know how well a patient’s heart works. Enter the ejection fraction, a calculation that helps doctors measure the efficiency of the heart. The heart has both a left ejection fraction and a right ejection fraction since each side of the heart pumps separately — the left side of the heart pumps blood to the brain... Read More
