National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week

National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week begins March 13 to spotlight the importance of pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with chronic lung disease. For many patients, especially those with COPD, pulmonary rehabilitation represents the best path to improved lung function, reduction of symptoms, and a higher quality of life.
What is pulmonary rehabilitation?
Pulmonary rehabilitation is a system of support offered for those with chronic lung disease that focuses on education, exercise, and behavioral intervention.
Pulmonary rehab offers education to the patient about their lung disease, how it works, and ways to manage it better. Whether it’s the technical side of what the disease is and how we medically manage it or the practical side of how to live with it and recognize the signs of worsening disease, we encourage patients to ask plenty of questions about their chronic lung condition.
Targeted exercise classes focus on regaining strength throughout the body. When the lungs are weak, working out becomes an extra challenge. The focus for this portion of pulmonary rehabilitation is regaining and maintaining strength while monitoring lung function. Participants will learn the best exercise techniques and be monitored while safely beginning an exercise program.
Behavioral interventions can range from nutrition counseling to help quitting smoking to mental health services. There are many forms of support that go along with pulmonary rehabilitation to achieve the goal of helping patients better manage their condition.
How the OHH Lung Center helps patients
The Oklahoma Heart Hospital Lung Center focuses on diagnosing and treating lung disease. Our interdisciplinary team of pulmonologists, radiologists, thoracic surgeons, respiratory therapists, and other clinicians treat patients with conditions ranging from asthma or COPD to lung cancer and other lung disorders. Our specialists oversee your medical care as well as your pulmonary rehabilitation to help increase lung function, reduce symptoms, and improve quality of life.
At Oklahoma Heart Hospital, we recognize that your heart and lungs are a team, and we treat more than just hearts. If you are living with chronic lung disease or have a family history, schedule an appointment with one of our lung specialists for an evaluation.