Cardiac Research with Local and Global Impact

In the medical world, research is the backbone of innovative treatment that saves lives. It builds on our previous knowledge and helps current and future patients receive high-quality treatment for their medical diagnoses. In the world of cardiac care, the OHH Research Foundation conducts groundbreaking research right here in Oklahoma that has both a local and global impact.
Clinical trials have the broadest impact of the services provided through the OHH Research Foundation, as they directly impact cardiac care around the world. Clinical trials can be used to study preventative approaches, new treatments, screening and diagnostic techniques, the role that genetics plays in illness, and much more. They may use medications, medical devices, or biologics to evaluate treatment options and how patients respond to treatment for specific conditions.
In addition to advancing medicine globally, these clinical trials offer a unique benefit to our patients at OHH. First, participating in a clinical trial can provide opportunities for patients to access new advancements in medical technology. Then, when new treatments are approved for broader patient use, OHH patients receive the highest-quality care from a team that’s already familiar with those new treatments. That means every OHH patient benefits from the Research Foundation’s work, even those who don’t participate directly in clinical trials.
In addition to clinical trials, the OHH Research Foundation offers many other services and resources that have both a local and global impact. In our immediate community, the Research Foundation supports the Clinic for the Uninsured to provide specialized care for patients who may not otherwise have access due to high costs. The Foundation also provides continuing medical education courses on a range of cardiac topics for local health professionals, including physician assistants, certified nurse practitioners, and clinical nurse specialists.
As one of the largest research facilities focused on cardiac care in North America, research done right here in Oklahoma impacts both our local community and our global community.